July 1, 2022

Medior Developer

Lead developer for social health platforms, refining, coordinating, and reviewing sprints. Coached 3 juniors/interns. Promoted and participated in knowledge sharing. Introduced Quality Assurance practices. Improved application observability. Refactored caching system to sustain high load during national TV event and generalized it for shared architecture. Built tools for improving developer and backoffice experience. Co-created data exchange with client Business Intelligence units.

April 8, 2022

Balance Reporter

Python tool for generating balance reports for various bank statement formats.

January 1, 0001


Software engineer specialized in web technologies with a background in DevOps and Human Centered Design. Experienced in analyzing, designing, implementing, and delivering software solutions together with clients in multidisciplinary teams. Pragmatic, with an eye for detail and quality. Eager to learn and experiment. Looking to gain experience in maintaining high performant, large scale systems. Currently studying part-time for a Master’s degree in Software Engineering.

© Arjo Bruijnes 2021

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